
Briefly about us.

Kaaratsim is an Estonian amateur folkdance group from Jõgeva which is a small town in the eastern part of Estonia.

The dancegroup, belonging to a building company of that time, was formed on 11 December 1980 when the first rehearsal took place. In 1995 Kaaratsim became a nonprofit association. The group name, which is a name of an Estonian folk dance, dates back to 1991.

By now we have already celebrated 30-th anniversary of our folkdance group. Our average age is 53.11

. Dancing is our hobby and most of us have danced for years. We dance authentic folk dances and folk dances adapted for the stage. During these years we have danced more than 80 different dances. It gives us opportunity to put together various perfomances using different dances.

During these years we have had different groupleaders. The most important for the group was Andi Einaste, who led the group from 1985 till 2000 and thanks to him the group found its own way. Now the leadership is carried on by Aino Sobak.

We have participated in different folklore festivals in Sweden, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, the Chech Republic, France, Estonian Song and Dance Festivals and in other local festivals.


Jõgeva – Wikipedia

Estonian Folkdance and Folk Music Association

Estonian Song and Dance Festivals



The Estonian Republic